Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sorry blogger dieties...

I have not been a very good blogger. I could promise that I will be better, but I try not to lie to friends...I do have good excuses first of all my team is in the world series...Go Rays. Secondly, I have been working...a lot. Much more than usual it seems, although I do believe that sometime soon the work schedule will slow down. But on to better topics...Like a new finished project...
So its the super famous Shetland Triangle from Wrap Style. I knit this bad boy up during about a week and a half worth of baseball postseason games. It is a ridiculously easy knit, super easy to memorize the flow of the pattern. The yarn is from Knit Picks; gloss.
Its a beautiful pattern that is now drying on my new dining room table on top of a bunch of beach towels because I don't have one of those nifty drying pads.

I didn't really change the pattern all that much. I finished with row 12 of the edging and just bound off. The super pointy edges are not really my style and I wanted to be able to wrap it more like a scarf if necessary. I've never used Gloss before and it is ok. I mean for socks it seems like a good option, and it certainly is affordable but its not very cozy and there are certainly more squishy yummy merinos out there.
I'm working on a turn-a-square hat from leftover malabrigo scraps and a llama/wool blend that I think is from Manos...but to be honest can't remember.
By the way, on a silly note, I am so excited about the Twilight movie coming out. (Yes, I am a super nerd and read silly vampire books written for "young adults". If there are best sellers, there may be a reason, people!!!) More soon on my Porom hat, and my cotton sweater which have been off the needles for a while now.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Visions of football dance in my head...

Mittens, glorious mittens. This is the...(looks at hand) left mitten. It is beautiful the superwash wool was an excellent choice because now they are ready for snowball fights, or whatever else winter in Conn. might throw my way. Been pretty mellow around the apartment. Football season is back, thank the gods, so the bf and I are back to debating about which 2 games to watch on the the two tvs in the living room.

I'm trying to find a dining room table set for Thanksgiving with the impending 12 people on their way!!! Oh boy, can you say nervous. Not to mention the fact that I've never even met some of the relatives from Ralph's family that are visiting. To be one hundred percent honest, I'm just excited to see my parents. I saw my Dad in April or May, but other than that no visits since the funerals at the beginning of the year. And let me tell you, nothing says fun like 3 funerals in a month. Or quality time for that matter. I want to visit some fun stuff in Jax, since the bf and I haven't done all that much exploring. (Work has been hectic, to put it mildly)

Been having really strange dreams lately. Like really strange, involving freaky weird creatures like half mermaid half lion creatures, coupled with people from high school that I haven't seen in six years. Does that mean I've entered some sort of quarter life crisis? Oh well, I'm too busy for one of the those anyway.

I updated my ravelry page, finally. Including pics of the cotton sweater and some other stuff.

So in the mean time Go Bucs, Go Gators, and may my fantasy football team recover the loss of my starting quarterback...(knew I hated the f*cker Tom Brady).


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Someone's in the Kitchen with...

So I was in the kitchen a lot today. Seemed like a good day to have a big meal. Below is Lauren's extra awesome Banana Nut Bread (made with Pecans because, that's how we roll in the south) and chocolate chips. Its super, duper, uper yumm-tastic. I am willing to share the recipe (grudgingly), just put in a request in the comment section.
Next up...Brussel sprouts. I love them. Even the bf doesn't mind eating them when I cook them, and my Dad says they are the best. Nothing special really, just saute some garlic in a little olive oil and butter, see the butter is the secret. Then add a lot of onion and a ton of brussel sprouts cover over medium heat and voila! I promise to update my ravelry account soon because I am trying to finish a new cotton sweater, as well as the Brooklyn Tweed mittens. Check out his new hat pattern. Seriously the man is a knitting god. I love the green one, but if I knit with anymore green my fingers will develop a hue that many might believe is gangrene.

We are patiently awaiting Hanna's approach...fingers crossed that we can weather this storm as as well as we weathered Fay.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fay and the Ravelympics

Howdy-ho out there in cyber land. Currently holding down the fort here in Jacksonville, which hasn't been hit by a hurricane in like 30 years, so naturally the year that the bf and I move here we get one. So far its been pretty mellow. Windy, rainy, but nothing crazy. We haven't even lost power. Thank the gods for spam...don't ask.
I would like to say that I have lots to tell ya'll but really, I've been working pretty much around the clock and just trying to get sleep when I can.

I've been working on a pair of mittens for the Ravelympics, but I seriously doubt I'll be able to finish them because I am just now finishing up the thumb of the first mitten. I love the pattern though. Brooklyn Tweed's Jared is sort of a super knitting genius and this is the third of his patterns I've done and he just has a wonderful eye for detail.
Fay is just keeping us inside today, except for a brief sojourn outside to snap a picture of the sky which takes on a really interesting shade of gray during severe weather.
I've also posted some pictures of Danny and Kim's wedding. I don't know how we managed to not get a single good picture of the bf and I together, but whatever.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Pics O' Day!

Moving has DESTROYED the apartment. I have too many freakin' pairs of shoes. And I've decided that an extra closet is just a thinly veiled excuse for having an entire closet devoted to yarn...

Happy Happy Happy Birthday to the Bestest Mom in the entire world!

By the way...yes that is Red from Fraggle Rock...consider it a mascot of sorts. Oh and there are like 5 bags from Hanks on top of that yarn caddy...sad.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Exams, Moving, and Leaving my Boss Behind

Alright I'm beginning to think that my A/P teacher doesn't particularly like our class...Seriously.

6/21: Exam 1
6/28: Lab Midterm Practical
7/5: Off for July 4th
7/12: 3 chapters of lecture
7/19: Exam 2
7/26: 3 more chapters of lecture
8/2: Exam 3
8/9: Final Exam and Final Lab Practical

This is the most insane schedule in the entire world. Ever. I'm beginning to wonder if dreaming about bone names and muscle groups is a sign of some sort of psychological disorder.

All of the furniture is all moved in to the new apartment. The bf and I managed to do it all in a matter of like 4 hours, including a drive from Gville to Jville. It wasn't too bad, until we managed to wedge the couch in the railing outside of the front door (don't ask, it was like 11pm at the time). Eric, Katie, and Sean if he still exists, it is a cruel, cruel joke that I am lugging this god-forsaken couch all over the damn state. Sometimes I really hate you guys::

Just kidding, I love you all.

Okay, so the good news...I put in my 2 weeks notice last Friday and can we say WOO-FREAKING-HOO? No more sexual harassment, no more disgusting sideways glances, no more having to hear about how much my bf sucks constantly, no more having to hear how I suck constantly. I did not realize until I put in my notice how much putting up with that crap day in and day out can make you ill. I have never felt better at work. Everyday I'm one day closer to never seeing him again, or getting calls or emails from him. Miracles do happen.

On the knitting front its mostly just my new vest made out of malabrigo which is like spun gold...only a ba-gillion times softer. I'm also working on a new scarf that is sort of more Katie's style then mine, but I still dig it. Plus its doing this weird zig-zag thing totally on its own. Oh, and a super secret project that can be seen on my ravelry page, because this might be read by the person its being made for.

Stupid Rays...losing 7 in a row fills me with a burning rage and often makes me want to hurl my knitting through the TV. I don't because then my living room would look even more depressing.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Moving is such a chore.

Don't get me wrong, I love the new apt. but I hate living in two places at once. I've managed to bring over about 1/3 of my stuff to the new place. The apt in Gville looks like a hurricane went through it. There are boxes clogging up the living room, the TV is on the floor, and most of the kitchen is missing. I can't wait to get settled in one place at least then when I visit the bf we won't be sleeping on the floor. At least the new TV is awesome. The view from the balcony is sort of obscured by a tree or two, but you can still see the "lake".
Finished my fair isle hat and wish some cool weather would roll in so that I would have an excuse to wear it outside of the house. Now I'm thinking about starting on a vest made out of Malabrigo...can we say yummy? I also am planning a new hat for Dad and a pair of socks for Mom. This has been a very generous knitting year.
The bf is doing very well in Jax. He seems to be enjoying the new position and the new people. I just can't wait to escape as well. The newest rumors at work have me "on the prowl for a new man; since [the bf] left me". Two giant guesses who's spreading those rumors. He is also spreading some rumor that when I first starting working there; post-Elliot; that I would have dated ANYONE. But that he wasn't interested. Really. No joke. I laughed my ass off when I heard that one. Katie thinks that he's still holding out hope for some sort of miracle. (If that happens, kill me please.)

On a side note...Jen, dear, when exactly can I be expecting an engagement announcement? I mean you said after graduation...hello...that was like weeks ago. (Come on, Kevin, we are all in need a rad party). Maybe we should all just fly up and visit Katie and Eric's new pad in Minn. That could be really far out too.

Love ya all, and remember I'm living solo for the moment which often leads to me needing another human to chat I'm available.