Monday, July 14, 2008

Exams, Moving, and Leaving my Boss Behind

Alright I'm beginning to think that my A/P teacher doesn't particularly like our class...Seriously.

6/21: Exam 1
6/28: Lab Midterm Practical
7/5: Off for July 4th
7/12: 3 chapters of lecture
7/19: Exam 2
7/26: 3 more chapters of lecture
8/2: Exam 3
8/9: Final Exam and Final Lab Practical

This is the most insane schedule in the entire world. Ever. I'm beginning to wonder if dreaming about bone names and muscle groups is a sign of some sort of psychological disorder.

All of the furniture is all moved in to the new apartment. The bf and I managed to do it all in a matter of like 4 hours, including a drive from Gville to Jville. It wasn't too bad, until we managed to wedge the couch in the railing outside of the front door (don't ask, it was like 11pm at the time). Eric, Katie, and Sean if he still exists, it is a cruel, cruel joke that I am lugging this god-forsaken couch all over the damn state. Sometimes I really hate you guys::

Just kidding, I love you all.

Okay, so the good news...I put in my 2 weeks notice last Friday and can we say WOO-FREAKING-HOO? No more sexual harassment, no more disgusting sideways glances, no more having to hear about how much my bf sucks constantly, no more having to hear how I suck constantly. I did not realize until I put in my notice how much putting up with that crap day in and day out can make you ill. I have never felt better at work. Everyday I'm one day closer to never seeing him again, or getting calls or emails from him. Miracles do happen.

On the knitting front its mostly just my new vest made out of malabrigo which is like spun gold...only a ba-gillion times softer. I'm also working on a new scarf that is sort of more Katie's style then mine, but I still dig it. Plus its doing this weird zig-zag thing totally on its own. Oh, and a super secret project that can be seen on my ravelry page, because this might be read by the person its being made for.

Stupid Rays...losing 7 in a row fills me with a burning rage and often makes me want to hurl my knitting through the TV. I don't because then my living room would look even more depressing.

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