Saturday, May 24, 2008

Lazy Saturdays

HEY EVERYBODY!! Guess what? The bf and I are moving! To Jacksonville! Woo! We are trying to find a place to live and hopefully the bf and I can agree on one soon, because he's leaving in like a week to start his new job. I'm staying until my A&P class is over at the beginning of August which is good because then I can get the apt in tip top shape, pack everything up and get rid of some of the junk that has accumulated over the past 4 years or so.

So today I had class for 6 hours and in between class and lab I managed to sneak in some knitting fun time...

The buttons are for my cardigan that I have yet to block...bad me, and because there are like 9 million different types of buttons and I didn't have the cardigan with me, I had to buy like a million. Luckily they were all 50% off so...BONUS! The red sweater is my WICKED which is coming along quick nicely, although I'm adding like 2 inches of lengths to the torso because my torso is freakishly long. (Thanks Mom) The Malabrigo is for some type of lacey thing that I have yet to decide, but its super pretty and super soft. (Greens and a little blue...

More Indiana Jones...

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